How to Set Realistic Goals That You Will Actually Achieve

We spend more time wanting to be better than actually taking out the time to figure out how we can be better. Check out these (7) tips to help you to set and attain your goals.

July 8, 2020

Do you ever find yourself desiring something different in your life? Praying for more consistency, wishing you were more organized,better with finances, more physically fit, or further along in your career? I know I have and in some areas in my life I still desire that change.  I wish that there was a magic recipe to improving yourself but there isn’t. However, one thing that makes all the difference is the art of setting goals.

If you want to learn more about some successful goal setting tips, how to set, and attain goals just keep reading!

1. Make Sure Your Goals are S.M.A.R.T.

While doing my research on how I can set realistic goals, I came across this dope acronym.

·        Specific

·        Measurable

·        Attainable

·        Realistic

·        Time-bound

For example, let’s say you want to have $3600 in your savings account by the end of the year. Don’t just say “I want to have $3600 in my savings account by the end of the year” Set a goal of setting aside $150 every two weeks and that money will be deposited into a separate account (This is my goal this year btw).It is both specific and measurable, because I know exactly how much money is coming out of my paycheck every two-weeks. It is also attainable and realistic but, it does require some modifications in how I handle my finances. Cutting back on unnecessary spending (Shopping lol)

2. Commit to Making Different Choices

I’ve come to realize that nothing in our lives will change unless we start making different choices in our lives. By taking the necessary steps that it requires to get us to our goals gets you one step closer to achieving your goals, and a bigger step away from that old way of thinking. We are on the road to an improved life and a renewed mindset!


3. Write Down Your Goals

According to writer Josh Carlyle, We’re 42% more likely to achieve our goals is we write them down on a regular basis. Goals help us to become better versions of ourselves,and I couldn’t agree more! Writing down a goal sends a strong message to our brains that we are not here to play!

4. Break Them Down into Steps

My concept is Think Big, Start Small and attain your goals. This is pretty much going to be your “How.” We know what want, we’ve made it plain and now it’s time to execute right?!?! Wrong! We have to write down the steps in which we must take in order to get there. I’m learning that simple, actionable steps take the intimidation out of it. And if you’re a procrastinator like me (Because we work best under pressure lol) these small steps seem far more doable versus some broad goal.

5. Have Patience

For myself, this is the hardest of them all.Being patient with myself. I don’t know about you but, sometimes I ask myself “Girl,what’s wrong with you? Why can’t you just get right? I have come to the reality that creating new habits and new versions take time and they require work. You’re literally talking about doing things and becoming someone that you never had to do or become your whole life. It’s a process and we have to learn to embrace that process. Success comes from embracing the process. The challenges that we face force us to problem solve connect with like-minded passionate people, and to develop the grit we need to eventually prosper to new levels we seek.

6. Remind yourself of your Goals Everyday

Don’t let your goals get stale! We have to be intentional about making time daily to take action towards our goals. We must make time for what we say is important to us.

7. Know Your Why

When you know your purpose in life, you tend to live a more meaningful existence than those who don’t. Identifying our why makes us passionate about our goal, helps us to stay focus, gives our life clarity, and enables us to live a value-based life.


I pray that this tips for how to set goals and attain them gave you some motivation to start your journey to the new goal-crushing version of you!


