Jumpstarting a Healthier Lifestyle as a Busy Mom with Flourish 

Life as a mother of three, a wife, full-time employee & PhD student can be, for alack of better words, DEMANDING. Making it hard to prioritize you...

August 13, 2021

Life as a mother of three, a wife, full-time employee & PhD student can be, for alack of better words, DEMANDING. When you have young kids running around your home, it can be difficult to make taking care of yourself a priority.

There’s always a sippy cup to be filled, toys to be picked up, and a child to be consoled. It can be tough to make time in your busy schedule to fit in a workout or to cook healthy meals that you know your whole family will eat. As tough as it is, I’ve come to the realization that taking care of myself is essential to showing up as the best version of myself. I have big goals and aspirations; however, I want to be able to live up to my fullest potential and ensure that my health is a priority. I’m 35 years old; there’s no reason for me to be out of breath by simply going up and down the stairs, getting dressed in the morning, or chasing behind my toddler daughter. I want to be able to physically show up for myself and for my kids. I knew I needed an extra push and was super excited to partner up with Flourish.

Flourish helps women get healthy for good through accountability, community, and education...without diets! Their members improve their relationship with food and improve their overall health by receiving both private and group coaching from nutrition & mindset coaches, 24/7 access to a supportive community, and a structured curriculum. I had the opportunity to connect with some amazing coaches and discuss the challenges that I'm having with taking the action that it requires to jumpstart my healthy lifestyle.

I spoke with Elizabeth Hatley, the Flourish Nutrition Coach, and when I tell you she got me all the way together, she did. She really helped me to reveal the false beliefs that I had been taking on as truth about myself and my ability to live the life that I deserve. She didn’t know, but, I was on the phone in tears as she poured into me during our phone call. One specific question that she asked that sent me over is “How do I define consistency?” You see, I’ve been living my life thinking that having three kids, being a wife, going to school full-time and working outside of the home full-time was something normal.

Although, I know I’m not the only mom out here who wears several hats, I must be realistic about what I am able to do because I have A LOT going on! I need to spend more time discovering what works for ME versus focusing on what works for other people and trying to force it to work for me. I was so full after our call. I also had the pleasure of speaking with Julie Mirliss. Julie is the Mindset coach and our phone call was just as amazing as my call with Elizabeth. Julie spent time really helping me to discover how I feel about myself and what a healthier lifestyle looks like for me. She helped me to understand that I needed to focus on identifying the things that best serve me and continuously checking in with myself. She helped me to realize that consistency doesn’t necessarily mean EVERY DAY, but it can mean MOST days. Language Check! I realized, after both conversations with these amazing women, that I have to focus more on creating routines and systems that work for me and fit my current lifestyle, and that I need to also meet myself where I am! Who I am is perfectly fine! Believing that from the depth of my heart will allow me to walk out this healthier lifestyle and to better appreciate who I am and who I am capable of becoming.

How Do You Get Started?

I truly pray that you were inspired and that my story has encouraged you to take the next step to becoming the best version of you! I'm excited to announce that you too can receive the support and community that I have the pleasure of experiencing and it's super simple. The Flourish Membership is almost ready to go live, and I want you to be the first to know all about it. Head over to the Flourish website here, click “join the waitlist” in the upper right-hand corner as pictured below, complete the information pop-up box, and then click on the “I’m in” tab once you’re finished and that’s it! Join the Flourish waitlist to gain early access and to receive Flourish founding member perks.

If you’re ready to get healthy for good, join the Flourish family today!


