Hi, I'm

(If you didn’t know we don’t “Go” natural we “Return”).
The more confident that I got in maintaining my hair, the more I took time to learn. From there, I started attending Local Natural hair events. Shortly after, I hosted my very first Natural Hair social event in 2013, branding myself as “Natural Curiosity”. Fast forward, after hosting 5 events in 2014, I had to take a break. I lost my job, I was still striving to finish my bachelor’s degree, and had two kids to take care of. I decided to take a hiatus.

As I was still internally battling trying to figure my life out, the desire to do and be more had been my constant focus. But How? I didn’t have any money, no degree (at that time), and really no firm grasp of my purpose. I thank God for the pressure, trials and tribulations, mountains, and the uncertainty. Once you get to that point the only option you have while you’re lost in the wilderness is God. I remember surrendering all I had and all I was to God while holding my baby as he cried… (I was crying too) I felt hopeless, I was desperate, I was lost, and I was out of options. But God pulled me out from the dark! And not to say that I have arrived and I have all the answers to life figured out, but I can confidently speak to what does and does not work when you are striving to live a purposeful life.

Three kids, a husband, and two degrees later (and another in progress) God revealed my purpose to me. Women Empowerment is very near and dear to me. Alongside empowering women, I know my calling is to also encourage women WHO are mothers (I say it like that because before we became mommy’s we were first JUST women) to live life outside of the box. Society has created a stigma that once you become a mom, that ALL your focus goes solely into your children. I would agree that the order of your priorities change but, your goals don’t have to go unachievable or completely dismissed because you’re a mother and/or a wife. After praying and seeking God, I found it only right to rebrand myself using my name, but I wanted to make it fun! So, I created:

AngieBWinn (with the help of my line sister Liv, who said it gave her JunieBJones vibes lol love you sis). AngieBWinn is a combination of my nickname, my middle initial, and a spin on my last name. (Winn is pronounced winning). Through faith, life’s experiences, and lessons, my desire is to encourage and uplift like-minded women with the tools necessary to live a purpose driven life through my writing, creativity, and words of encouragement. We’re going to have a blast sis so I pray you plan on staying a little bit longer.

Let’s live life outside the box where the options are plenty and the opportunities are limitless!



I'm a mom, wife, lifestyle blogger, image consultant, content creator, freelance writer, and event coordinator. My interest in creating content began when I started on my natural hair journey in 2009. I started watching YouTube videos to better assist me with how to style and care for my tresses. Back then, natural hair was just beginning to buzz and I was all about the movement. The more research I did, the more I was exposed to. I later learned that there was a natural hair community! The natural hair community welcomed women of all shades who desired to return back to their natural state.